Continuously counter false information

19 marzec 2024 | Aktualności, interwencje

In public space, online and press publications invariably contain untrue statements about German Nazi concentration camps located during World War II in occupied Poland, but referred to, for example, as „Polish concentration camps” or „Polish death camps.”

The topic is extremely important and remains topical, as despite our many activities, including cyclical preventive actions, we continue to receive information on an ongoing basis that these false formulations appear, and we must straighten out the falsified information that indicates, or could suggest, that the Polish state was responsible for the described extermination sites.

The mission of the Polish League Against Defamation, is to invariably respond to such formulations appearing in media messages. We keep you informed about our activities in this regard and our opposition to attempts to falsify the image of Poland and Poles, to falsify history, to „fake news” about our country and other defamatory acts occurring both online and in public space, when the need for this type of response is extremely important and vital, and despite so many activities already carried out, it does not falter all the time.

Every year, we send information to editors and journalists around the world regarding the correct naming of German Nazi concentration and death camps, but despite this, false messages regularly appear, as exemplified by last week’s statement by a BBC journalist who used the phrase „Polish concentration camp” when talking about Auschwitz-Birkenau on the most important news and current affairs program in Britain. As a result of the error, after a reaction from the Polish side, an apology was made for the mistake and the station publicly admitted it, with the understanding that this kind of mistake is extremely offensive to the Polish Nation, but it nevertheless confirms that our work has a purpose.


„I sincerely apologize to the Poles with all my heart…”

This type of rhetoric being perpetually used in the media must be corrected and clarified so that this message does not remain in the public consciousness. Therefore, we constantly, despite the fact that it sometimes involves repeating the same actions, analyze and verify the daily press and media statements so that any false message like „Polish concentration camps” or „Polish death camps” is effectively corrected or removed.

We must respond firmly to any public statements suggesting Polish responsibility for German crimes in concentration camps in occupied territories, and constantly check how many such inaccuracies appear in the daily news.

Having learned by experience, we know how to recognize both the hostile narrative and also the mechanisms used to disseminate it, which are designed to obfuscate the truth or provide the recipients with false information, and we will constantly counter them. And regardless of whether this is a conscious act or a result of misguided framing, which is the nature of many formulations in the public space, our goal is to level them and call for rectification, which we will invariably continue to do, defending the good name of Poland and Poles.

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