Polish League Against Defamation

Historical Education

Polish Anti-Defamation League has a wide experience in carrying out social projects, especially in taking up the issue of defamation of Poland and defending Poland against slander. For decades, Poland has been multidirectionally attacked by anti-Polish historical propaganda aimed at Western societies, the merits of Poles in the fight against German bestiality are denied, and the aid to Jews by Poles and even the losses suffered by the Polish Nation during World War II are denied. The propaganda is effective because its recipients are not at all aware of the scale of the genocide committed by the Germans and Soviets against Polish citizens. In the falsified but popular media message, the only victims on the territory of occupied Poland are the Jews. In view of this, the Polish Anti=Defamation League is carrying out a number of activities to support Polish historical policy in order to balance the message and allow access to truthful information. This ranges from conducting effective interventions against defamation, slander or manipulation of historical truth, to supporting court cases brought by Polish citizens against media, organisations or private individuals who have published content distorting the truth about Polish history or Polish heroes, to popularising Polish history and culture. We attach great importance to the popularization of Polish history, with the aim of reaching the largest possible audience both in Poland and abroad, in order to arouse their interest and at the same time to provide them with historical information which, based on the truth, is a valuable addition to their knowledge or a source of information concerning the history of the Poland. To this end, we publish many historical articles remembering and describing the most important events in the history of Poland, or presenting Polish heroes or biographies of Poles who have made an exceptional mark on Polish history.

We encourage and ask for your support for the promotion of Polish history and the Polish people, may the dissemination of the truth about our homeland and the Polish nation increase in order to counteract any attempts at obscuring or falsifying it.

German crimes – „Aktion Zamosc”

German crimes – „Aktion Zamosc”

The photo comes from the resources of the State Archive in Zamosc On the night of November 27-28, 1942, the Germans launched "Aktion Zamosc," a displacement operation that resulted in the brutal expulsion of more than 100,000 Poles, including some 30,000 children,...

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