Polish League Against Defamation


16 May 2023 | News

16 May 2023 | News

12 May 2023 | News   12 May has a special anniversary significance, as on this day we remember Polish patriots - people who sacrificed their lives for Poland. They were Polish heroes who, in the face of danger, were ready to serve and sacrifice themselves for the good...



May 2, 2023 | News   The second Constitution in the world and the first in Europe is an undoubted achievement of Polish political thought. However, we must also remember that the adoption of the May 3 Constitution should be treated as a warning. A warning against...

Professor Barbara Engelking’s falsification of history

Professor Barbara Engelking’s falsification of history

April 27, 2023 | News   Opinions on Polish-Jewish relations, as well as the statement that Poles are committing a falsification of history, presented by Prof. Barbara Engelking on the air of the commercial TVN channel, have been recognized by many prominent experts as...

National Papal March

National Papal March

April 21, 2023 | News   The National Papal March was held on April 2, 2023, the 18th anniversary of the death of St. John Paul II. Thousands of Poles marched through the streets of the capital to commemorate the life, ministry and legacy left by the Holy Father. A...

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